This is it; I’m making a commitment to doing something for the next 100 days that will help me move the needle for my business and personal goals.
100 days is a perfect amount to really test myself, as it isn’t short like a month where I can just struggle through it and then at the end move back to old habits. I’ve been inspired by Maya P. Lim’s Design meets Writing blog and her committment to 100 days of writing, with some really incredible insights on a daily basis. I know that if I commit to the same thing, I’ll stop hiding from success and make myself form the habits that will make a difference, not only in my life but in the lives of the people I seek to serve.
I’ll be updating here publicly on my blog with my progress, documented and measured, to make sure that I am doing what I need to be doing to make the impact I want to make. 30 days in I will also reassess and see if the work I’ve been doing is actually helping me reach my goals, or if I need to reassess the time I’m spending and put it into something else.
1: 100 Days of Showing Up
For the next 100 days (from December 4th to February 27th) every day I will:
This is what I believe it will take to make a difference. Sitting down to do the work every day, like Steven Pressfield says in his book The War of Art, is what you need to do to win. If I do this, even if the work I produce isn’t the best, I am sure that the quality of my work will increase and I will start to see more success in both of these businesses that are very important to me and the people I seek to serve.