Yes, You Can Work Harder
Yesterday someone sent me this video and said that it would make me think. I considered a lot about the phrase he used: "You will not be successful unless you want...
You Might Be Better Than You Think
We all have self-doubt. But then people tell you they love your work. They talk about you to their friends, and how fantastic your creation, lesson, product or service was. The whole time you were...
Pre-Show Jitters
As I wake up and prepare for a really important interview, I'm thinking a lot about what we do to defend ourselves when we present our work to others. Whether we are giving a speech (voted the...
It’s About Much More Than The Deliverables
When someone hires you to do something, they usually aren't just hiring you to get the job done and then disappear. You see, we all want human connection, and because we are wired that way we love...
Sugar Survey
I'm doing some research on how sugar affects us for a video I'm making. I have been eating less and less sugar and noticing the huge improvement on my mind, my sleep and my work. Basically I think...
The Authority is Dead – What Do You Do Now?
What do you do when nobody has authority to tell you what you can or can't do? A lot of people would say that they would spend more time with their families, work on their passion projects or take a...
Don’t Accept Bad Work
When people sign up to do something, the vast majority of them want to make a success of it. Nobody joins a new company thinking they want to fail and do a terrible job. When you start working for...
The Mentality of Making More Money vs. Scaling Back Lifestyle
We've all come on hard times at some point. When you first get to a point where you realise you won't have enough money to keep going the way you are, there are ostensibly two things you can do. 1:...
Negotiating your Salary
A salary negotiation of £2000 a year now can make you £20k in 10 years. If you stick that extra cash into a investment like a cash ISA, you could double that. Simple math, but it isn't that much...
On Giving Up
Giving up is a tactic, but most people use it in the wrong situations and it really impacts their future. Most of the time people give up because they have had enough. Their job has become too...