Hello everyone, this is my first post for a passion I have had for as long as I can remember.
Improving your life and making a better version of yourself.
I was struck recently by an article I found, which claimed that almost all famous successful people professed to reading a great many self-improvement books.
I like to read a lot of self-improvement books, and I want to share this passion with other people who may have struggled or be struggling like I have with their work, love and relationships.
Living a life higher up on Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.
This world can be a hard place to live in. We are all taught that having a good job and being a success in others eyes will make you happy, but I have come to firmly believe that it is the other way around.
So I want to get it straight, right here in the first post:
I’m not going to tell you how to live. I can’t do that, because I don’t even know the answer myself.
Rather, I want to open a discussion about what we can do to be a better version of ourselves and be truly happy. To remove barriers that we feel have held us back for our whole lives. To have better relationships at work, in our families, with our friends and enemies.
Like the ancient Greek philosophers asked:
“How do I live a virtuous life?”
This is a fundamental question that we have all had in our hearts at one point or other, but that gets quieted as we are pressured by society into accepting “financial success” as a surrogate for “virtuous and lasting happiness.”
As Alain du Botton might say, this is a realm of philosophy that used to be part of our social fabric, but has been displaced by the free market.
It isn’t good enough
So I started this website as a way for me to get my thoughts and research down in written form, and offer them to anyone who thinks they may benefit.
I’m planning to start by reviewing some self-help books, providing recommended reading and idea centres about how we can improve our situations through learning and hopefully encouraging everyone and anyone to improve their lives for the better.