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The Importance of Your Colour Palette

17th February 2017

Colour is one of the most important choices we can make when deciding the images we use in our brands and products.

You may have noticed that I updated my website recently, and from everything I have heard so far it is a welcome change.

Before it was grey and boring, but now it is more exciting. What did grey say about what my business was about, and why was that a bad choice?

As it turns out, grey represents neutrality, calm and balance. The wrong message to send in a creative industry.

Actually, there were just a few changes, and I wanted to share a little bit about graphic design principles as I learn them. I am by no means an expert, but I find this fascinating so I’ll continue.

This image beautifully captures the general feelings that your choice of colour palette arise. My new colour palette of Blue headers with Purple accents says that my brand represents trust and dependability, with creative and imaginitive flecks. I hope that’s what people are seeing, because that was my goal!

I used some values I got from the Google Material Design Palette, an awesome resource for designers everywhere. Check it out!

This is by no means a guarantee. Different people may feel different things when they see certain colours, but as a general rule we are hardwired by nature to react instinctively to colour. Designers around the world are using these principles to influence customers feelings as they engage with our brands.

What does your brand say about you? What does it make your customers feel?



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