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Catastrophizing is Dividing Us

No matter which political ideologies you agree or disagree with, catastrophizing is creating division on a scale that we haven't seen in generations. Every time the right talks about the left, they...

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Any Benefit From Social Media?

As my friends now realise, I'm back on Facebook. I didn't miss it while I was gone from mid February until the end of March, but I had a lot of time to think about why we use social networking sites...

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Joy, Flow and Balance Improves Your Business

When you're happy with your work it has a big effect on your life. The opposite is just as true. People talk about work life balance but for me the two are so intertwined that I don't find that...

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You Are Not An Idea

People seek connection and community, so it makes sense that people connect themselves to ideas in order to form bonds with others. The problem is that when you identify with an idea, that is to say...

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Don’t Panic – Seek More Information

We've all been there: something bad happens and we start to spiral thinking of all the horrible possibilities. For me today that was leaving my bag on the train. I got off and was halfway to the...

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Use Your Own Words

As a teacher I ask my students to prove they have understood the material by expressing it in their own words. We should also ask of ourselves when we are sharing our opinions and engaging in...

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Who Wins in an Argument?

We put a lot of time and effort into winning, but we sometimes fail to recognise what "real" winning is as opposed to beating the other player. What do we gain when we "win" an argument? Maybe it's...

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